

Before existence there lies a question
Even without answers, there is still an obsession
Let’s pass without lessons, and try not to judge
Laughter is a dimension, it’s never too much
A spiritual brain may help explain
It’s theoretical, the soul isn’t slain

Every train route has an ending
Sewing your mind, with a needle that’s mending
A view of thought can hunt with perspective
This flu I’ve brought has a true antiseptic
With the world turning and the sun always watching
Forever burning and will always be stalking

So many stars that we compare to a person
With an infinite universe this idea is hurtin’
We could each be a galaxy with minds that view
Teaching of a reality that’s a bit askew
Realign and find a motionless time
Don’t do crime; to be kind is sublime

Because this will always be the truth
If lying while you lie, please stand and give proof
When walking forward, the future is coming
Let’s talk and explore until there is nothing
A nocturnal mind stays bright with thoughts
Dark needs light to see its plots

There are questions now… answers exist
Let’s write them down. An endless list
Know there are snowflakes, stars and dust
Sand on beaches which explains so much
There is an existence before birth…we are all not the same
Earth is just a place for our minds to question why we came